Treatment performed


Periodontal treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of gum disease. All treatments reconstruction of diseases consequences, graft and regeneration of bone or gum tissues.

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implant Therapy

Treatments implant reconstruction. And all the techniques necessary for bone ang gum reconstructions.

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Oral Surgery

Intervention in oral surgery such as wisdom teeth alvulsion, orthodontic device, excision of cysts, frenectomy, ...

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Plastic Periodontal Surgery

Plastic surgery of the gums, preventive currative. Repositioning, thickening, ...

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Gingival Graft

Gingival graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Gingival graft

Gingival graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Gingival graft

Gingival graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Gingival graft

Gingival graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Gingival graft

Gingival graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Gingival graft

Gingival graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Gingival graft

Gingival graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Global restauration

Dental Reconstruction by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Alveolar crest reconstruction

Alveolar crest reconstruction by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Tissue regeneration

Tissue regenerqtion by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Sinus lift

Sinus lift by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Bone graft

Bone graft by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice


Computer Assited surgery

Computer assited surgery by Sylvain Mouraret, periodontist at Nice

CLINIcal experiences


Professionnal activity in private practice

Practice in renowned offices in Neuilly sur Seine, Paris, Nice, Cannes, Genève, since 2004.


Professional activity in hospital and University

University Hospital Teaching Fellow at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 2005-2008.

Department of Periodontology of Paris VII, Rothschild-Garancière Hospital, 2008-2011.

Clinical Publications and communications


International and national Publications


Houschyar KS, Tapking C, Borrelli MR, Popp D, Duscher D, Maan ZN, Chelliah MP, Li J, Harati K, Wallner C, Rein S, Pförringer D, Reumuth G, Grieb G, Mouraret S, Dadras M, Wagner JM, Cha JY, Siemers F, Lehnhardt M, Behr B.
Wnt Pathway in Bone Repair and Regeneration - What Do We Know So Far.
Front Cell Dev Biol. 2019 Jan 7;6:170.




Chen T, Li J, Córdova LA, Liu B, Mouraret S, Sun Q, Salmon B, Helms J.
A WNT protein therapeutic improves the bone-forming capacity of autografts from aged animals.
Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 8;8(1):119.




Li J, Yin X, Huang L, Mouraret S, Brunski JB, Cordova L, Salmon B, Helms JA.
Relationships among Bone Quality, Implant Osseointegration, and Wnt Signaling..
J Dent Res. 2017 Jul;96(7):822-831.




Mouraret S, Forestier JP.
Optimization of the periodontal attachment prior to orthodontic treatment.
Rev Orthop Dento Faciale 2017;51:291-297




Yin X, Li J, Chen T, Mouraret S, Dhamdhere G,Brunski JB, Zou S, Helms JA.
Rescuing failed oral implants via Wnt activation.
J Clin Periodontol. 2016 Feb;43(2):180-92.




Mouraret S, Hagege FJ.
Définition, épidémiologie, facteurs de risque, et diagnostic clinique des péri-implantites.
(Definition, epidemiology, risk factors, and clinical diagnosis of peri-implantitis.)
Revue Odonto Stomatologique 2015 – Vol 44 – n° 1




Cha JY, Pereira MD, Smith AA, Houschyar KS, Yin X, Mouraret S, Brunski JB, Helms JA.
Multiscale Analyses of the Bone-implant Interface.
J Dent Res. 2015 Jan 27.




Hunter DJ, Bardet C, Mouraret S, Liu B, Singh G, Sadoine J, Dhamdhere G, Smith A, Tran XV, Joy A, Rooker S, Suzuki S, Vuorinen A, Miettinen S, Chaussain C, Helms JA.
Wnt Acts as a Pro-Survival Signal to Enhance Dentin Regeneration.
J Bone Miner Res. 2015 Jul;30(7):1150-9.




S. Mouraret, D.J. Hunter, C. Bardet, J.B. Brunski, P. Bouchard and J.A. Helms
A pre-clinical murine model of oral implant osseointegration.
Bone. 2014 Jan; 58:177-84




S. Mouraret, D.J. Hunter, C. Bardet, A. Popelut, J.B. Brunski, C. Chaussain, P. Bouchard and J.A. Helms.
Improving oral implant osseointegration in a murine model via Wnt signal amplification
J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Feb;41(2):172-80




S. Mouraret, K.S. Houschyar, D.J. Hunter, S. Girod, A.A. Smith, O.S. Jew and J.A. Helms.
Cell viability after osteotomy and bone harvesting: comparison of piezoelectric surgery and conventional bur.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Apr 7




S. Mouraret, E. Von Kaeppler, C. Bardet, D. J. Hunter, C. Chaussain, P. Bouchard and J.A. Helms
The potential for vertical bone regeneration via maxillary periosteal elevation
J Clin Periodontol. 2014 Dec;41(12):1170-7




Interview for the SFPIO, French Periodontal Society.
Objectif Paro. Sept 2014.




Mouraret S., Bennani N., Hadchity W., Brochery B., Malet J.
Plastic surgery applied to implantology: Aesthetics optimization.
(Chirurgie plastique parodontale appliquée à l'implantologie : optimisation de l'esthétique)
Réalités Cliniques 2012; 23 (1): 53-62.




Popelut A., Mouraret S., El Halabi B., Range H.
Current results of periodontal therapy
(Résultats des thérapeutiques parodontales actuelles)
Réalités Cliniques 2012; 23 (1): 7-14.




Bertrand M, Rouche F, Mouraret S., Mora F., Kerner S., Bouchard P.
Root coverage. Technique, results and decision criteria.
(Le recouvrement radiculaire : techniques, résultats et critères de décision)
Journal de Parodontologie & d'Implantation Orale. 2012; 31 (1).

Mouraret S.
Impact of microbiology in treatment of refractory localized aggressive periodontitis.
(Impact de la microbiologie dans le traitement d'une parodontite agressive localisée réfractaire)
La lettre de la SPP. N°50, 3ème trim. 2010. p6‐3.






Karapetsa, Mouraret, Bouchard. Les Parodontite Agressives, In, Ph. bouchard, Parodontologie et dentisterie Implantaire. Paris. Ed Lavoisier Medecine. Nov 2014, 720p.




International and national Communications

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Muco-gingival surgery - Live surgery. ADF. Paris Nov. 2018

Surgical treatment of peri-implantitis. (Traitement chirurgical des péri-implantites) Forum des compétences. Lausanne. June 2018

Optimizing the mechanics and biology of implant osseointegration. IADR. Fort Lauderdale, March 2018

Piezosurgery. What happens at the cellular and molecular level? Piezo leader day. Venice, June 2017.

Peri-implantitis: Where are we? How to change our approach! (Les péri-implantites: Où en sommes-nous? Comment changer notre approche!) Gedo. Saint Tropez, May 2017

Periodontal treatment. Basics and evolution of treatment strategies(Thérapeutique parodontales. Fondamentaux et évolutions des stratégies de traitement.) Le CEDSCA. Nice April, 2017

Tissue regeneration, objectives and clinical realities(La Régénération tissulaire, objectifs et réalités cliniques). Cipe. Marseille. Jan. 2017

Soft tissue management: the key to the success of our periodontal and implant therapies (Gestion des tissus mous: la clé du succès de nos thérapeutiques parodontales et implantaires). Garancière Annual Meeting. Paris, Sept 2016.

Muco-gingival surgery by tunneling (Chirurgie muco gingivale par tunnelisation). Dental Friendly Study Club in the Vineyard. Gauriac. June 2016.

Place of periodontal surgery in the aesthetics of the smile. Addition surgery (Place de la chirurgie parodontale dans l'esthétique du sourire. La chirurgie par addition). Gedo. Saint Tropez. May 2016.

Enhanced periodontal attachment in critical orthodontic case – Lecture at Yonsei University. Seoul (South Korea) Oct. 2015

Periodontal tissues régénération (Régénération des tissus parodontaux). Dental Friendly Study Club in the Vineyard. Gauriac. June 2015.

Improved osseointegration.(Amélioration de l'ostéointégration) Lecture at Periodontal postgraduate program of Paris VII University. Paris, May 2015

Periodontal tissues régénération. Induced tissue regeneration: Contribution of biotechnologies (Régénération des tissus parodontaux. Régénération tissulaire induite : Apport des biotechnologies). Gedo. Saint Tropez. April 2015.

Crown Lengthening (L'élongation coronaire.Travaux pratiques) French Dental Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, worshop , Paris Nov 2014.

Enhancing periodontal attachment before the orthodontic treatment. Treatment for sévère periodontal attachment loss.(Optimistation de l'attache parodontale avant traitement orthodontique. Traitement des parodontes réduits sévères) 17 th Orhtodontics days. Paris . Nov 2014.

Periodontal plastic surgery. (Chirurgie plastique parodontale) Garancière Annual Meeting, Live Surgery and clinic demonstration, Paris, Sept 2014.

Periodontal tissues regeneration. Induced tissue regeneration: Contribution of biotechnology. (Régénération des tissus parodontaux. Régénération tissulaire induite : Apport des biotechnologies) Nice. March 2014.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery - Live Surgery (Chirurgie plastique parodontale. Chirurgie en direct.) Congrès International du Syndicat Tunisien des Médecins Dentistes de libre pratique. Tunis. Feb 2014

Contributions of soft tissue to improve the sustainability and aesthetic integration. Soft tissue management. (Apport de la Chirurgie parodontale au succès implantaire: Gestion des tissus mous.) Congrès International du Syndicat Tunisien des Médecins Dentistes de libre pratique. Tunis. Feb 2014

Contributions of soft tissue to improve the sustainability and aesthetic integration (Apports de tissus mous: améliorer la pérennité et l'intégration esthétique) French Dental Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Oral clinic communication,
Paris Nov 2013.

Free gingival graft: Why, when and how to integrate serenely in his practice? (La greffe gingivale libre: Pourquoi, quand et comment l'intégrer sereinement dans sa pratique? Travaux pratique) French Dental Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, worshop , Paris Nov 2013.

Implant prognosis: how to prevent, how to treat implant complications? (Pronostic implantaire : comment prévenir, comment traiter les complications implantaires ?) French Periodontal Society . Nice. Nov 2013

Contribution of periodontal surgery to implant success. (Apport de la Chirurgie parodontale au succès implantaire) Garancière Annual Meeting. Paris, Sep 2013.

Surgical treatment of multiple gingival recessions. (Traitement chirurgical des récessions gingivales multiples) Garancière Annual Meeting, Live Surgery and clinic demonstration, Paris, Sep 2013

Periodontal plastic surgery. (Chirurgie plastique parodontale) Garancière Annual Meeting, Live Surgery and clinic demonstration, Paris, Sep 2013

Advances in understanding the biology of implant osseointergation
Stanford Oral medicine & Maxillo Facial Surgery Grand Rounds, Stanford (USA), 2012.

An overview of Autogenous bone grafts.
Stanford Oral medicine & Maxillo Facial Surgery Grand Rounds, Stanford (USA), 2012.

Treatment of severe generalized chronic periodontal disease: clinical case.
(Traitement d’une parodontite chronique sévère généralisée - Cas clinique.)
National periodontal teacher conference. Bordeaux. 2011

Induce tissue regeneration. Impact of combined technique (Régénération tissulaire induite. Impact des techniques combinées)
French Periodontal Society Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Oral clinic communication,
Aix en provence, France, Jun 2011.

Impact of microbiology in treatment of refractory localized aggressive periodontitis. Clinical case. Rouche F & Mouraret S. HK University. Hong Kong 2011.

Treatment of periodontal pocket. (Traitement de la poche parodontale)
French Dental Association Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Oral clinic communication,
Paris Nov 2011.

Garancière Annual Meeting, Live Surgery Workshop and clinic demonstration, Paris, Sep 2011

Impact of Enamel matrix derivative plus autogenous bone graft in infra osseous periodontal lesion (Impact des protéines dérivées de la matrice amélaire et de l’os autogène dans la régénération des lésions infra-osseuses parodontales.)
French Periodontal Society Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Strasbourg, France, Jun 2010.

Garancière Annual Meeting, Live Surgery Workshop and clinic demonstration, Paris, Sep 2010

Garancière Annual Meeting, Live Surgery Workshop, Paris, Sep 2009

Nice Dental Day Meeting, Live Workshop, Nice, Apr 2005


Professional honors


European Federation of Peridontology, Award in clinical research, Londres ,2015.

French Periodontal Society, Award in Oral clinic communication, 2011.

Meridol Price, Award in Oral clinic communication, 2011.

Alfa Omega, Thesis Award, 2006.

Dentsply, Thesis Award, 2006.




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Periodontal regeneration surgery filmed for the TV program "Allo Docteur" on France 5 in 2010.

scientific Societies


SCIENTIFIc Societies


Member of International Association of Dental Research. IADR

Member of French Periodontal Society. SFPIO

Member of European Federation of Periodontology. EFP

Member of International Team for Implantology. ITI